Your Road to Deliverance and Freedom
I cover the most persistently unadulterated truth, deeper knowledge of God, spiritual and physical liberation and above all eternal life. My books and services provide step-by-step processes that provide solutions to spiritual problems and reveal the truth.
If you are looking at this page, you’re likely looking to receive true spiritual deliverance from a genuine deliverance minister of God! I love working with serious and determined victims of demons! Let me work with you personally to get rid of demons from your life.

About the author
Nice meeting you... I'm Anthony Langmartey.
I Help People Get Deliverance From Demons And Satan And Teach People The Path To Eternal Life And Freedom.
Anthony Langmartey is the founder and General Overseer of the assembly called Mount Olivet Messianic Judaism. He is also the founder of the website He is an author, counselor, deliverance minister, and public speaker, and has over 12 years of pastoral experience in the ministry.
Widely known for his work in resolving personal and spiritual conflicts, Apostle Anthony maintains brisk counseling, consulting, and speaking schedule.
His “Life Transformation Ministry” has led thousands to freedom in Yahshua the Messiah [Jesus Christ]. Apostle Anthony also conducts seminars on leadership, wealth, marriage, family, biblical prophesies, and spiritual identity.
"I was going through very painful sorcery attacks I could not sleep in the night because the attacks were relentless. Someone was inserting something like a pin into my heart through the heart chakra. My 7 chakras had been opened through sin and attacks. Because the chakras were open sometimes I could hear demons entering my body. Apostle Anthony prayed for me and the attacks stopped. I am now able to sleep through the night. During the prayer, Apostle led me through the prayer to close my heart chakra. I followed the step-by-step guidance of how to close and seal the chakras and was able to close the other chakras. If you are out there and are undergoing attacks don't suffer in silence please, contact Apostle Anthony Langmartey for deliverance."
Olivia Mukasa, United Kingdom
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